
International Forum "Freedom of journalism in the context of human rights, new technologies and international information security" |
“Media at the Crossroads 2018: Freedom vs Regulation”
The issue of balance between the freedom of journalism and ensuring the Human information rights is becoming more and more pressing under the conditions of rapid development of ICTs. The issue is aggravated by a complex, controversial and, at times – confrontational nature of current international relations.
What is “good journalism”? How to prevent distortion of information and creation of fake news? What social and psychological frameworks lie in the center of information campaigns?
The answers to these and other issues of concern will bу sought by speakers and guests of the International Forum “Freedom of journalism in the context of human rights, new technologies and international information security” which will take place in Bratislava (Slovakia) on December 3-5, 2018. The Forum is organized by Moscow State University (Russia) with participation of Danubius University (Slovakia), National Association for International Information Security, the Union of Journalists of Russia and journal “International Affairs”. Agenda of the Forum is available at the following (link).
The goal of the Forum is to identify common approaches and to bring together the positions of the international expert community on the following issues:
- The Freedom of Media and Media pluralism in the modern world;
- Fake news, countering misinformation and propaganda;
- Social and psychological technologies of information influence and counteraction;
- Media and Authorities: Rights and Responsibilities;
- Safety of Journalists.
The Forum has invited distinguished Russian and International experts and specialists in journalism, new media, social psychology, political science and culture and international information security.
You can take part in the event by submitting a filled in form (link) to the following e-mail address: <iisi2003@iisi.msu.ru>. Moderators and Speakers are offered accommodation and travelling preferences. Russian-English and English-Russian simultaneous translation will be provided


